Friday, December 30, 2016



Happy New Year!  2017!

1. Add more physical activity to your normal routine.
Just move more by doing something you like! Shop a little longer, play with your children and/or grandchildren a little more. Like yard work, swimming or hiking?  Just add some into your regular routine!

2.  Volunteer! 
 Volunteers are needed almost in every field!  This may lead to learning new things, meeting new people and promoting a positive self.  Make sure you pick a job that you look forward doing. 

3.   Make new friends!   
 Isolation can quickly lead to depression.  Depression at any age can be destructive to your overall health.  Seek out activities that you enjoy!  When you find them, you will find other people who have shared interests as you!

4.  Take time to listen
This sounds easy enough, but think how this could improve any relationship you have.  Listen to what others are saying, not on what your response will be.  Some of the best marriage advice from couples married 50 years or more is, “Listen to what your partner.”  You may be surprised what you have missed. 

5.   Keep a journal.  
Journals are like time capsules for future generations to learn a little about you.  Share stories about your past, your family, your passions and dreams and especially them!!  

I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year with fun resolutions!