Saturday, April 30, 2016



As of late... I have noticed jealousy in a different light - one that is not new, but as I am getting older, I see it for the first time in my peers.  But it's not just unique to 'mature adults',  I've been surrounded by it all my life, been guilty of it many times myself (and probably will be even after writing this blog post!), and have seen it in my adult children's lives... What is it?   Jealousy over ones position in life!

What brought this to my attention was a friend of mine recently retired at 55... most of her friends who have retired are closer to or over the 'normal' age of retirement - 62, 65 or older.  I have heard comments like, "Oh!  You're SO young!", or "Wish I could!", "Don't know how you can afford that!", "Friday... everyday's Friday to you!",  just to repeat a few... and usually in a negative connotation!  

This got me thinking... and so, I felt like sharing... lucky you!

I have always been taught not to lust for someone's possessions... but never over someone's position! I am probably not alone in saying I have been jealous of all sorts of lifestyles!  From my perspective... I see is how easy they make it look.  I desire the fun I see the person experiencing!  Like skiing... on water or snow... it looks really easy and fun!  But how many people get seriously injured doing this 'fun and easy' activity who go out with the same attitude as mine?

This jealousy is not limited to only non-working activities or pursuits, but I find myself covetous of people's occupations as well!  I do this not taking into consideration the number of years it took to learn what they do... and to be successful at it?  Who isn't jealous of people with natural 'born' talents?  They may be 'born' with the ability... but it takes long hours of hard work to master their trade!

Final Words... I am going to try and remove this jealousy from my life.  It won't be easy... I will still be envious of Oprah and Ellen at how easy it looks to just sit and talk to someone and make loads of money... when in reality they both had to work hard to get where they are in life and work hard to still to maintain their life and the lives of many others who have jobs thanks to them!  

I am going to try and not snub someone because of what I assume their life is like... because I don't know!  (That leads into 'not judging someone'... but that's a topic for another day! lol)  

I am going to live the best life I can!  Because that is all I can do!  I am going to try to enjoy and embrace every moments... be proud of my success and not drown in my disappointments!


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