Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Keeping Our Parents at Home Adult Care Facilities

More families are caring for their elderly parents at home much longer than years ago.  This is due to their parent’s wishes to stay home and with the exceptionally high cost of nursing homes.  Many of our elderly in need of care, may miss working and socializing on their own, as they did not too many years before.  So where is a safe, yet stimulating place our loved ones can go, besides nursing homes, which offer them medical supervision plus the fun of a senior center?  Adult care facilities also known as adult day care centers! 
Kim Chalfant, RN, Active Day Medical Adult Center Director

Kim Chalfant, RN Active Day Medical Adult Day Care Center Director, said, “You have to find a facility that works for your personal needs.  You have to choose what level of care and level of acuity you need and want and what will keep your loved one safe.” 
A great place to start to find the best suited adult center for your loved one is a quick call to the Council on Aging Cincinnati: 513-721-1025, or Northern Kentucky Area Agency on Aging: (859) 283-1885.  They can assist you in finding what works best for your family, and what your state and your loved one’s insurance will cover.
Mrs. Chalfant said of her experience, “I went from nursing school at Good Sam to St. Luke’s home care.  Once I was introduced to Active Day 13 years ago, I just knew this is what I wanted to do!”  She continued, “We are a big center, we are noisy and that may overstimulate some.  So it is important to find one that is a good fit for your loved one.  We need to educate the public on adult day centers.”  Not all centers are the same.
Mrs. Chalfant explained, “It’s a long list of things we can do here.  We don’t just play bingo,” she said with an excited twinkle in her eyes.  “The families want to know that their loved ones’ physical needs are taken care of, but the people who come are most interested in the activities.  We meet nursing home level of care.  We have nurses here from 7:30 to 5.  Meals are provided that follow the client’s personal nutrition guidelines. We make sure everyone can gets their medicines on time.  Their blood sugar is monitor if need be. The nurses watch for acute changes in behavior, especially those with dementia. Sometimes it’s no more than an infection like a bladder infection or even a fever blister.  We can call their doctor and say can we send you over a urine sample and if that is the problem, the person can be started on medication right away.  We can provide transportation.  We have a hair dresser that comes in; that always makes the ladies feel good. And a podiatrist that comes in and takes care of their feet.  He bills their insurance if possible.  We also have nursing aids that help with personal care. Like remind the client they have to use the restroom and then help them there if need be, as well help them with their Depends. Then making sure their skin is clean.  Some of our folks get showers her too and the aids help with that.  We offer showers because sometimes they can’t get into the shower at home or it may be too big of a fight with the family.  For example, it may be the son taking care of his mother and she doesn’t want him to see her nude. We also have a washer and dryer here for people who soil themselves or spill something on themselves.  This helps keep them dry, which helps keep them in better health. Our aids held feed some people, and sometimes they just sit with the clients to help remind them to eat. Nutrition is really important.  My biggest goal is that people learn about the senior day cares and find one that suits their loved ones.” 
Mrs. Sharon Pearson, Program Manager / Activities Director
Sharon Pearson, Program Manager/Activities Director has been with Active Day Medical Center 5 years and absolutely loves her job.  As she laughed, “My goal is to be here until I retire!  I knew I found my passion when I came here. I love what I do!  I get on Pinterest a lot.  I go home and my chill-out time is on spent on Pinterest looking for ideas that my members can do here.”
Mrs. Pearson said about her duties, “They have to be challenging.  The members love to do crafts 5 days a week.  I try to make the crafts challenging but not so hard they become frustrated.  I want them to be proud of what they have accomplished.”  I asked what the favorite activities are and she said smilingly, “Their favorite activity is bingo, traditional and jingo bingo.  My goal is to have every jingo out there!”  She laughed.  “The men especially love corn hole. We do exercises 2 or 3 times a day. All activities are to help the members physically and mentally.”  Mrs. Pearson continued, “We have entertainers twice a month.  Music is just another medicine for them.  Socialization is very important and becoming friends.   I want to make everyday a happy day and that they feel they are a part of something so that they want to come back the next day!  To see the member smile makes my day! I am focused and thinking about this 24/7.  I am passionate about it! I love it!”
Mrs. Chalfant agreed, smiling through the whole interview, “I can’t imagine doing anything else.  As a nurse, I know I make a difference.”
Finding a great adult care facility with superb amenities is wonderful, but finding one where the staff is happy and enthusiastic, is the best place for my loved one!

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