Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Take Action!

I’m not much of a fighter
I’m an artist, a lover, a writer.
But someone today asked me about my passion
What makes my blood boil, what makes me take action!

Like many, I will support the underdog,
I will try to see it their way, while really looking through a fog.
I have my own political and religious points of view
Yet I feel it’s not my place to tell you what to believe or do.

But I can’t sit still and quiet about any form of abuse
From a man, woman, child, church or government, there’s no excuse!
I will take a stand!  I will fight!
I will use all my talents to make things right!

I won’t quietly tolerate the insult they give me, my family, my gender, my race!
I won’t hold my tongue or pen back from pointing out the abuser in his face!
I will fight, because I’ve laid bound in chains and blindness,
I will fight, because I remember how it felt where there’s no hope or kindness!

My breath may grow shallow, and my voice may tremble
Not from fear anymore, but from an inferno has been kindled!
I will shout, when the abused has no words
I will scream, so no one can mistake what is heard!

I may not be much of a fighter…
But I will hold your hand longer and tighter.
I will lift you up and help you find your passion
So together, we can make a difference and take an affirmative action!

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